The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides a unique opportunity for states to promote tribal sovereignty in education and create schools with positive and inclusive learning environments for Native students. Because of the flexibility provisions outlined in ESSA, tribes are now able to exercise full control of their education systems in order to meet the educational and cultural needs of their children.

ESSA creates more opportunities for tribes and states to work collaboratively and effectively to support Native students. However, in order for meaningful implementation to occur, the voices of tribal leaders and Native education advocates must be at the forefront of decision-making on issues impacting their students.

In order to ensure that Native communities are active stakeholders during ESSA implementation, NIEA has expanded our efforts to support tribes and local communities as they collaborate with state governments. These efforts include continued technical support, as well as resources that provide guidance on how to strengthen tribal-state relationships. NIEA strongly advocates for a cyclical strategy for engagement that brings community members together to create networks of dedicated advocates. More information on NIEA’s State Strategy is available here.


Find more information about Native education in your state, and how NIEA can support your school community, by utilizing the resources available on these pages.

ESSA Implementation

ESSA Implementation

State Engagement

State Engagement

State-By-State Landscape

State-By-State Landscape