2010-12: Resolution for the Formation of an NIEA Urban Native Education Council

WHEREAS, the National Indian Education Association (NIEA) was established in 1970 for the purpose of advocating, planning, and promoting the unique and special educational needs of American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians; and

WHEREAS, NIEA as the largest national Indian organization of American Indian, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiian educators, administrators, parents and students in the United States, provides a forum to discuss and act upon issues affecting the education of Indian and Native people; and

WHEREAS, through its’ unique relationship with Indian nations and tribes, the federal government has established programs and resources to meet the educational needs of American Indians, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiians, residing on and off their reserved ornon-reserved homelands; and

WHEREAS, all Native American children shall receive equal opportunities from the federal government based upon the unique indigenous status, language, and cultural history,

WHEREAS, 2000 census data shows, there were 4.3 million people who identified as American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination. Sixty-one percent of these Native people did not reside on reservations or other Native lands; and

WHEREAS, Native Urban Educators serve the needs of the children of our sovereign Native nations residing in urban and suburban schools and communities; and

WHEREAS, 92% of Native students are in public schools; and

WHEREAS, meeting the needs of Urban Native Learners requires strong collaborations and partnerships with tribal government, entities and peoples; and

WHEREAS, there is no national data on the numbers of Native Learners in urban and suburban centers; and

WHEREAS, the needs of Urban Native Learners and Educators are not represented at tribal gatherings and summits; and

WHEREAS, without regular consultation with Native Urban Educators, their students and families, the needs and contributions have not been represented; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NIEA will create an Urban Native Education Council to represent the profound issues facing Native Urban Learners.

Steven Peters